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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Amor Love.... Mostrar todas las entradas

25 Ways To Be A Better Man Even If You Can’t Be A Perfect One

As always, there are improvements to be made. The truth is that no matter how many things we alter in our lives, we will never be perfect men.

We will make mistakes, give in to our weaknesses and stumble backwards from time to time – we’re only human. But, with enough focus, we can make a steady improvement over time.
The key is to remind yourself what’s most important in your life and what you feel needs changing. Here are 25 things you may want to consider if you want to up your game as a man:

1. Work out right after you wake up, every morning.

You don’t need to head straight to the gym. Just roll out of bed, do 50 pushups, 50 sit-ups, 100 jumping jacks and as many pull-ups as you can muster. If you can’t handle that much, then do as much as you can and work your way up.

2. Dress to impress.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on clothing, but make sure you look good in what you wear. Looking good doesn’t cost as much as you think.

3. Keep yourself well groomed.

Either shave or trim – that goes for every area of your body. You don’t need to have the skin of a prepubescent girl, but being sexy means a hint of tameness.

4. Take it easy on the caffeine.

There are healthier ways to feel energized. Plus, your heart will thank you in 30 years or so.

5. Stay up-to-date with world affairs.

If you’re going to live and function in this world, then you better understand it as well as you can. Many of the decisions we make every day have a visible effect on the other side of the world.

6. Read.

Your mind is a tool, and like all tools, it needs to be sharpened. If you’re not a big fan of reading, then look into puzzles.

7. Watch less porn – have more sex.

Give your hand a rest and get some cardio instead. Other than being demeaning to women, porn is boring. Don’t put a Band-Aid on your needs – attend to them like a man.

8. Take time off to let your mind rest.

Go for walks. Meditate. Do Yoga. Do whatever it is that you have to do to allow your mind to focus on the present moment and nothing else. We live in a hectic world, and finding true peace of mind is hard to come by.

9. Stop treating women like objects.

They are human beings who deserve respect. If you can’t be respectful and appreciative, then go back to watching porn.

10. Plan for the future.

It’s one thing to always be thinking about the future, and it’s another to have a plan of action. Living in the moment is extremely important, but if you don’t have a plan for the future, then, in the future, your moments will be less than fulfilling.

11. Grow a pair and ask her out.

You’ve been eyeing her for weeks and have yet to muster the courage. What do you really have to lose? If she doesn’t want to see you, then she won’t. At least you’ll know to look elsewhere.

12. If you’re going to take her out, then actually take her out.

Women like to be treated like they’re special to you because they believe themselves to be special. Treat them as such and they’ll appreciate you for it.

13. Don’t skimp on the foreplay.

It’s a very important part of the ritual – especially for women. You’re not going to impress anyone if you just rush into it.

14. Give more.

If you don’t like it, then you’re either doing it wrong or you’re with the wrong woman.

15. Stop having the same sex.

This isn’t to say that you should stop having sex with the same person, but you should stop having the same, boring sex in the same, boring place. Be adventurous. Find a bush.

16. Don’t spend money you don’t have.

Debt isn’t sexy – no matter who’s wearing it.

17. Stop filling your head with information you don’t need to know.

Pick a celebrity, any celebrity, and if you know more about his/her life than you do about the political situation in Syria, then take a moment to reevaluate your life.

18. Keep your environment clean and neat.

An organized apartment will allow for a better-organized mind. Clutter has a way of seeping into our minds and making us feel claustrophobic.

19. Quit the job you hate.

You have less time on this planet than you think. It’s better to be broke and happy than to be rich and miserable.

20. If it’s time, put a ring on it.

The only way to overcome fear of commitment is to commit. Once you commit, you’ll conclude that there’s nothing to have feared in the first place. If she means a lot to you, then you better lock it down before someone else does.

21. Don’t be afraid to learn something new.

Progression can only happen if we are willing to step outside of our comfort zones and immerse ourselves in the unfamiliar. Learn another language or learn to cook. Learning new things will make you a more interesting and well-rounded man.

22. Start a business.

That great idea you have will stay just that, an idea, unless you put fear and uncertainty behind you and make it a reality. There’s no greater regret in life than knowing you didn’t try.

23. Save some money.

Earning money is great, but it’s not beneficial unless you are saving. Make sure your bank account is something you can fall back on if needed. You never know where life will take you, and a little financial security goes a long way.

24. Travel more.

There’s a big world out there, full of interesting people and beautiful sights. Seeing these destinations on TV or reading about them in books is one thing, but you will never get the full global experience unless you just pick up and go.

25. Be thankful.

Hard work certainly pays off, but it’s crucial that you don’t forget to be thankful for all the success that comes your way.

¿Cómo saber cuando él quiere algo serio contigo?

Muchas chicas nos han preguntado cómo saber si el chico que las busca en realidad las quiere para algo bien o sólo las buscan para divertirse con ellas. Así que por ésta razón, hoy les traemos un increíble material.,

¿Cómo saber cuando él quiere algo serio contigo?

Para contestar esta pregunta, me voy a permitir intercalar dos afirmaciones, la de color naranja, corresponde al chico que quiere algo serio contigo y la de color negro, es para el chico que solo quiere un free. Seré muy puntual porque ustedes están esperando ideas concretas, no choros kilométricos, así que aquí voy:
manos 12

El chico que quiere algo serio contigo


El chico que solamente busca un free

  • Te invita al cine, a comer, o a tomar un café.
  • Te invita a un bar, a tomar una copa o cualquier lugar donde haya alcohol.
  • Te presenta con sus amigos, compañeros de trabajo, familia.
  • Siempre salen solos, no conoces a sus amigos, ni familia.
  • Te llama por teléfono y además te busca por Messenger, WhatsApp, te envía replys por Twitter, o te escribe en el muro de Facebook, etc.
  • Solamente te saluda por Messenger porque es privado y nadie, excepto tú ,te das cuenta, pasa lo mismo en WhatsApp. También aplica con mensajes privados de Facebook o DM’s en Twitter.
  • Te busca constantemente por cualquiera de esos medios, léase TODOS LOS DÍAS.
  • Te busca una vez cada semana, cada dos semanas o cada mes, generalmente es cada vez que se siente solo o cada vez que anda “con ganas”.
  • Durante las primeras citas, no intentará besarte, abrazarte, ni siquiera tomarte de la mano.
  • Te besa apasionadamente en la primera cita.
  • Después de algunas citas, te abraza cariñosamente, busca contacto físico como tomarte de la mano o del brazo, comienza a hablarte claramente de sus sentimientos, te pide que seas su novia y después viene el beso. Posiblemente primero llegue el beso, pero inmediatamente después te pide ser su novia.
  • Como te besó desde la primera cita o máximo la segunda, los besos suben de intensidad y de pronto te pide ir a su casa porque te quiere besar “en un lugar más tranquilo”, se los traduzco: QUIERE SEXO. Casualmente no han hablado de ser novios, o posiblemente ya te dijo que quiere un free(en el mejor de los casos lo dicen, pero son pocos, ojo).
  • Se hace cargo de absolutamente todos los gastos, no acepta que pagues nada durante las primeras citas, por ejemplo: boletos del cine, palomitas, refresco, cafecito posterior al cine, propinas, taxi de regreso a casa.
  • Pagan mitad y mitad, cada quien lo suyo o incluso tú pagas todo porque “casualmente” le clonaron la tarjeta y no tiene dinero. ¡Uffff qué oportuno!
  • Si no tiene dinero o anda entrado en gastos, te invita a caminar por algún parque, a ver alguna exposición al aire libre, o algo en lo que no gasten mucho.
  • Será raro que sí tenga dinero, pero notarás que cada fin de semana sale de fiesta con sus amigos, van a bares, antros, restaurantes, se va de fin de semana a la playa, etc. ¿No que no tenía dinero?
  • Empieza con un “me gustas”, “me encantas”, luego “me gusta estar contigo”, “me siento muy agusto contigo”, ya cuando son novios “te quiero”, “te adoro” y al último, y solo al ÚLTIMO, cuando ya está bien seguro de lo que siente te dira “te amo”, entiéndase cuando ya llevan algunos meses de ser novios.
  • Te dice “te quiero” en la primera cita, “eres la mujer de mi vida” en la segunda, “te amo” en la tercera o incluso en la primera semana de ser novios. El amor no es exprés, chavas. Cuando lo dicen tan pronto, no puede ser sincero. Tal vez solo quiera bajarles la luna y las estrellas para que ustedes suelten el cuerpecito.
  • Hará lo que sea por complacerte, es decir, te llevará a los lugares que sabe que te gustan. Hará lo que a ti te gusta, te acompañará a las fiestas que son importantes para ti, comerán en tu restaurante favorito. En lo sexual, se desvivirá por darte el placer máximo, tú primero y después él. Querrá verte feliz y querrá que esa felicidad sea provocada por algo que él hizo.
  • Siempre irán a los lugares que él escoge, verán las películas que a él le gustan. En lo sexual, eyaculará en 5 minutos importándole poco si tú disfrutaste o no. No conoce tus gustos, ni los investigará jamás.
  • Cuando te invite a salir, como todo un caballero, pasará por ti hasta tu casa, y por supuesto que de regreso te dejará en la mismísima puerta, aunque tú tengas carro, eso a él no le importará. El quiere que vayas en SU carro, y  si no tiene, querrá que vayas con él en el autobús.Se quedaría preocupado si te regresas sola.
  • Si tiene carro pasará por ti a alguna estación del metro que le quede cómoda y que no se desvíe mucho, y de regreso, te dejará en el mismo lugar. Puede ser que te pida que se vean en el lugar de la cita (en el bar, cine u hotel) o peor aún QUE TÚ PASES POR ÉL Y LO REGRESES A SU CASA.
  • Relacionado con el punto anterior, cuando pasa por ti a tu casa, tocará el timbre y no le importará si abre la puerta tu mamá, tu papá o tu hermano, va a dar la cara porque quiere que en tu casa sepan con quién estás saliendo.
  • Nunca pasará por ti a tu casa y, en el remoto caso de que lo llegara a hacer, te marcará desde su celular para que salgas, o te mandará un mensaje de texto.
  • También durante las primeras citas, notarás que te invita con algún tiempo de anticipación, tal vez la próxima semana, el próximo viernes, sábado, o incluso te lo pedirá uno o dos días antes, porque no quiere que hagas planes con alguien más.
  •  Aunque nunca lo hacen, de pronto te marcan por teléfono para que se vean ese mismo día. Si tiene un poco de decencia, te pedirá en la mañana que se vean ese mismo día en la noche, y si no, te pedirá que se vean en una hora. Por lo general alguien más les canceló y están buscando una segunda o tercera opción.
  • Tiene algún tiempo de soltero, es decir, mínimo han pasado tres meses desde que terminó su última relación, y ésta no fue tan intensa. Si fue una relación seria deberá pasar por lo menos un año. O sea, el chico se siente preparado para comenzar con una nueva relación porque la pasada está más que terminada y ya no sufre por ello. Está disponible y sano en el plano emocional.
  • Acaba de terminar una relación importante para él, ya sea de novios, de vivir con su novia, o de estar casado. Anda herido, despechado, inestable emocionalmente, y sólo quiere distraerse con alguien.
  • En cuanto deciden comenzar una relación entre ustedes, cambia su situación sentimental en Facebook. Subirá algunas fotos en donde salgan juntos y te va a etiquetar sin mayor problema. Te pondrá mensajitos lindos en tu muro o te dedicará canciones de amor. Quiere que todo el mundo sepa lo que siente por ti, y que eres su chica.
  • Nunca cambia su situación sentimental en Facebook, nunca sube fotos tuyas, ni mucho menos juntos. Notas que hay chicas que le mandan mensajes coquetos y todavía tiene el descaro de contestarles de la misma manera. Sigue subiendo fotos con “amiguitas”, ves que le sigue dando “me gusta” a fotos de chicas sexys. Jamás se aparece en tu muro.
  • No te presionará para que tengan relaciones sexuales, esperará hasta que estés lista. Su primera vez será especial, preparará el ambiente, pondrá musiquita romántica, tal vez te invite un fin de semana fuera de la ciudad. Será muy cariñoso y utilizará las palabras mágicas “hacer el amor”.
  • Te presionará para que tengan sexo, se acuesten, o le den rienda suelta a la pasión en cualquier momento desde la primera cita. Generalmente, habrá alcohol en sus venas durante su primera vez, y será en cualquier hotel de paso o en su casa donde no tendrá que gastar dinero.
  • Le puedes hablar por teléfono en cualquier momento del día y te contestará de la misma manera si está en el trabajo, en la escuela, con sus amigos, familia, etc. Por lo general cambiará su tono de voz por uno más tierno o más suavecito, pero hablará con buen volumen. Las llamadas pueden durar horas, y seguramente, te incluirá en sus números frecuentes. Casi no tendrás la necesidad de llamarlo porque él lo hará todo el tiempo.
  • Cuando le marcas a su teléfono se tarda en contestar, o en el peor de los casos no contesta. Después de cinco minutos te devuelve la llamada y habla bajito, como escondiéndose. Las llamadas son cortas, él se limita a contestar con monosílabos “si”, “no”, “ajá”, “ok”. Casi siempre le marcas tú, y en caso de que él lo haga, solo lo hará cuando ande hot.
  • Si por algún motivo tuvieron relaciones sexuales muy pronto o sin ser novios, te llamará al día siguiente para ver cómo te sientes, mostrará interés, querrá que hablen de lo sucedido, e inmediatamente te pedirá que andes con él.
  • Si tuvieron relaciones muy pronto y no hablaron “de ustedes”, ¡mejor para él! No volverás a saber nada de él hasta el próximo mes o hasta que se le vuelva a antojar.
Damos muchísimas gracias a:  Ovulito Blog. Un blog súper recomendado por nosotras.

10 Signs You're With The Person You Should Marry.

By Laura Donova.

We all know it’s common to “kiss a lot of frogs” before finding the right partner. The good news? It’s all worth it, because once you do find your match everything else begins to fall into place. Last year, I was insecure about having a serious boyfriend when I didn’t have full-time employment. I thought I had nothing to offer without a cool job, but the man I adore ended up helping me get to where I need to be career-wise, and the individual you’re meant to end up with will do the same and more. You may not immediately know that your significant other is going to be your spouse someday, but here are some signs that you two are bound for life.

10. You have similar long-term goals
This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in the same line of work. That can be good too, but wanting the same things long-term — whether it’s having kids, a house, or lots of vacations — will help you through any obstacles you may face.
9. You like each other’s families
It’s true that you don’t just marry your soulmate, but his/her family as well. Many people complain about the in-laws and this doesn’t indicate your union is doomed, but life is so much easier when everyone gets along for the most part. I’m lucky my current beau’s parents and sister are awesome, but a former flame’s dad was unkind and distrustful of me, so I figured out pretty quickly that I hadn’t met the right guy yet.
8. You miss him/her when you’re apart
Wanting to be with the person you love all of the time doesn’t make you needy or annoying. It shows you cherish that person deeply and understand every experience — whether big or small — is better with him/her around. I enjoy watching The Simpsons in bed, but I always laugh harder at Homer’s antics when my S.O. is there cackling with me. Alone time is healthy, but so is wanting to giggle and chat with your favorite person in the world after a rough day at work.
7. You’re always thinking about how your decisions affect each other
Considering a new job? You’re also thinking about how it would fit with your S.O.’s schedule and needs, especially if you live together and share finances. This works both ways, so if he’s mulling over a drastic career change and wants to move to the other side of the world or country, he should also want to take you with him.
6. You don’t want any secrets
For the longest time, I was scared to stay over at my boyfriend’s house because I had a major sleeptalking/walking problem that had been going on for years. I was embarrassed about doing something ridiculous in the middle of the night but he assured me he wouldn’t judge my behavior — he just wanted me there. Sure enough, I was so relaxed with him that my sleep yelling/walking issues went away in his presence. I’m glad I explained my hesitation up front so we could find a solution.
The closer you are to someone, the more important things you’ll reveal about yourself — from your salary to your family history. The more they know, the more they understand you. The less-than-appealing stuff is important, too. The right person wants all of you, not just his/her idealized version of you, because that’s not real.
5. Other people comment on how great you are together
If parents, friends, siblings and relatives can see how happy you make each other, you know it’s going to last. You don’t need to know them to understand what an awesome pair they make. These two should get married TODAY.
4. You’ve survived tough times and blowouts
As much as I admire couples who claim they never fight over anything, I think there’s something to be said about having productive arguments. Life partnership isn’t all snuggles and kisses, so it’s important to know you can get through disagreements before you tie the knot. There will be many rough days when you’re exhausted, chasing screaming children around the house and having unpleasant conversations about money and taxes, but if you can get through the fighting and awkward discussions without too many tears, you can handle marriage.
3. You don’t have to look nice for each other all the time
Though you still like to dress up and surprise the other person with a pretty outfit, you two can be messy and lazy around each other and not even think twice about it.
2. You’re a good team
To paraphrase my former D.C. mentor Matt Lewis, it’s crucial to choose a partner with whom you can go to battle. As earlier stated, life presents us with plenty of battles, and the person you marry should be willing and able to fight them alongside you. That person should also be like a good reliable teammate. This may sound unromantic, but having someone who is there for you day in and day out, for better or worse, is as sweet as it gets.
1. You already know what you’d say during your wedding vows
When it comes to the other person, you can always articulate what makes him/her so amazing and why you’ll be there for them forever. Whether you’re “engaged to be engaged” or just having fun dating, you know you’re going to love this person until the very end. You want everyone to recognize how lucky you are to have this person in your life.

Enamórate de una mujer de verdad.

No puedo pedirte que te enamores de una mujer que lee, porque ya alguien lo hizo por mí.
Sin embargo, puedo pedirte que te enamores de una mujer de verdad. Enamórate de una mujer que busque “figuritas” en las nubes. Enamórate de una mujer que sea lo suficientemente valiente para decir que tiene miedo pero que siempre ejecute a pesar de él. Enamórate de una mujer que no mate hormiguitas sólo porque puede, enamórate de la que agarra la hormiguita en la uña y la devuelve a su filita. Eso significa que es buena y capaz de apiadarse de los que no tienen las mismas herramientas que ella.
Enamórate de una mujer que no disimule ni esconda lo inteligente que es. Las que se hacen pasar por brutas son mucho más peligrosas que las que asumen con orgullo lo inteligentes que son. Además, ¿por qué quisieras estar con una mujer que se subestima para cazar un hombre? Enamórate de una mujer que sea abrazable, adorable, querible y cogible. Todas son importantes. Enamórate de una mujer que no se maquille mucho. Son honestas y seguras. Las que se maquillan mucho envejecen más rápido. Enamórate de una mujer que sea Team Mafalda y no Team Barbie.
Enamórate de una mujer que le guste comer. La vida es más divertida comiendo pizza que lechuga. Enamórate de una mujer que le guste la música. No importa que no sea la misma que te guste a ti. La música puede unirlos cuando se distancien, curarlos cuando se enfermen y salvarlos cuando se pierdan. Enamórate de una mujer que sepa cocinar, que le guste lavar platos o que tenga dinero como para comprar un lavaplatos. Trust me on this one.
Enamórate de una mujer que esté más preocupada por los ceros en sus cheques que en los tuyos. Enamórate de una mujer que te quiera porque la haces reír y no porque le compras cosas. Enamórate de una mujer que respire profundo para calmarse cuando te ve. Enamórate de una mujer que no pueda esconder nada. Enamórate de los ojos que la delaten y que te digan lo que necesitas saber. Enamórate de ella porque le brillan los ojos cuando te ve. Eso significa que está enamorada de ti.
Enamórate de una mujer que hable bastante, para que tú no tengas que hacerlo. La parte fácil es tuya: asiente y sonríe como si tuvieras idea de lo que está hablando. Enamórate de una mujer que te escuche con atención. Enamórate de una mujer que te pueda hacer sentir culpable y genuinamente arrepentido de vez en cuando. Que tenga ese poder sobre ti es el mejor antídoto contra la arrogancia y el orgullo. Enamórate de una mujer que no sepa planchar, para que no pierdan ni un solo momento juntos. Enamórate de una mujer que sepa escribir “notitas” de amor. Las “notitas” reviven las mariposas y hasta pueden mandar un bombazo de sangre al…corazón.
Enamórate de una mujer que le guste bailar. Recuerda que bailar es la expresión vertical de un deseo horizontal. Enamórate de una mujer que piense en otras cosas, que haga otras cosas y que piense en otras personas diferentes a ti. Enamórate de una mujer con hobbies, con intereses, con pasiones. Que no seas sólo tú, para que no te asfixie. Enamórate de una mujer que sepa que el amor tiene que ser libre. El amor obligatorio sólo le hace daño a los involucrados.
Enamórate de una mujer que ame y deje amar. Que sea y deje ser. Enamórate de mí o de alguien como yo, para que no me duela tanto.

Escrito por @ninarancel

10 Obvious Signs a Guy Is Flirting with You.

Ever wonder if that nice guy is flirting with you? There are a few proven ways that can tell you if he is interested in you. While it’s difficult to read body language at times, it’s possible if you know where to start. Here are 10 ways that men unconsciously and even consciously let you know that they like you. Take a look, see what you see and maybe you will find your love right now.

1. Lovely smile.

lovely smile is actually a good sign and, when it comes to flirting, it’s one of the surest signs he is interested in you. If you notice that he is smiling at you, there’s a good chance he likes you and wants to approach you. Maybe he is shy, so why not show him your confidence and courage by approaching him first? Of course, if you like him. After all, there is nothing to be ashamed of if you approach a man first. Just smile back, initiate a conversation with him and don’t try to play hard to get. Playing hard to get is a great boost, but often it’s a big turn off for guys.

2. Shy blush.

Perhaps you know how it’s difficult to flirt with shy guys, but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid such type of man. If you notice that a guy blushes around you, this is one of the most obvious signs he is trying to flirt with you. However, not only do shy guys blush, any guy can actually blush when he sees a beautiful girl. Blushing is a bodily function that we can’t control and if he blushes around you, he certainly likes you.

3. Eye contact.

This sign is a little bit tricky, but surely worth paying attention to. Eye contact is important during communication and we need to use this form of body language as often as we can. Depending on how long a man holds an eye contact with you, you can find out whether or not he likes you. If he holds an eye contact with you for longer than an average person, it might be a sign he is interested in you. We all make an eye contact when flirting, right? It’s the same for guys. If a guy holds a short eye contact, he might also flirt with you, he is just a bit shy.

4. Mirroring.

Sometimes men mirror woman’s actions without even knowing it. Mirroring is another sign he is flirting with you. This ranges from mirroring blink rates to mirroring manner of speaking. For instance, you are laughing and he is laughing as well. The thing is, it’s natural for us to mirror something we love. Besides, a lot of singles dating websites advise guys to use mirroring technique when flirting with girls, maybe your crush does this too.

5. Hands on hips.

If he stands with his hands on the hips or places the thumbs in the belt loops, he might be interested in you. This way, he is trying to show you he is a confident man and simply true macho. I personally don’t like when guys use this way while flirting with girls, but still it’s one of the signs he is flirting with you.

6. A flirting touch.

If your crush touches you, it’s definitely a sign he likes you. But, when a guy touches you accidentally, this is absolutely another sign to watch for. It means the guy is trying to get your attention and find any excuse to continue conversation with you. Do you like that guy? If yes, flirt back! Most girls ignore this important sign, but you shouldn’t do it. After all, he might be your hubby!

7. Head Tilts.

The way a man tilts his head can also signify that he likes you. If he tilts the head towards you, this means he’s listening attentively to each word you say. This also means he’s really attuned to what you are talking about and he’s really interested in conversation with you. I love that amazing feeling when a man is listening to me. I always appreciate it, even if I’m not interested in that man.

8. Dilated pupils.

Sometimes our eyes give us away when we don’t want them to. When we are attracted to someone or something our pupils dilate and they become larger. When we don’t like someone or something, our pupils contract. If you notice that the eyes of the guy keep dilating, it’s one of the most obvious signs he adores you and is highly interested in you.

9. Raised eyebrows.

You crush may hide his eyes when he is around you because he likes you. He can keep his eyebrows a little bit raised as well. If his eyes are widened and his eyebrows remain raised while you’re talking, this is definite sign he is flirting with you. Watch for it and you’ll surely see it!

10. Fidgeting.

Do you fidget when you are around the guy you like? I’m pretty sure you do and it’s okay. You are just nervous and it’s actually a good nervous. It’s all about expectation since you don’t know whether or not he is interested in you. If you see him fidgeting, this is because he’s interested in you and he is a bit nervous to start conversation with you.

Now that you’re aware of the signs he is flirting with you, what are you waiting for? Start flirting back and maybe you will have a nice date tonight. Do you know any other signs of flirting that I should have added to this list?

13 Ways you know you are dating a grown-ass man.

1. You know where you stand. You are his girlfriend or you are a girl he’s dating but either way he’s not scared to define it. He’s not afraid that a girl will cry and run away if she doesn’t hear what she wants to, he wants a mature woman because he is a mature man.

2. You don’t have to prod him to become a real adult. He’s self motivated to improve on his own. If there’s an area of his life that needs improvement, he’s working on it long before you notice it.

3. Texting with him is peaceful. Sometimes you have conversations. Sometimes you make plans. But it’s never a power struggle of who initiates and who texts lasts. It’s not fishing for compliments or security. It’s simply a short form of communication.

4. He calls his mom. You don’t need to tell him to do this and he does it to keep in touch, not because he needs her stamp of approval on all his choices.

5. He has interests. Like actual interests. Not beer darts or meeting women. He reads the newspaper or books, and when you ask him his opinion on something, he has an answer.

6. When you spend the night at his place, it doesn’t feel like camping. His sheets are (reasonably) clean, there’s (gasp) toilet paper and (double gasp) fresh towels in the bathroom, and there’s something in the fridge other than beer.

7. He doesn’t disappear for days or a week at a time. He knows that if he needs space or some time to clear his head when he’s stressed out all he needs to do is say that. He’s strong enough to be upfront rather than running away.

8. He never says “just trust me” as an attempt to end a disagreement. He knows that if you’re expressing a concern, the solution isn’t to just tell you not to have it. He isn’t manipulative.

9. He doesn’t get jealous. Sure, it doesn’t make him happy when another guy hits on you while he’s checking your coats, but he doesn’t blow up about it. He’s secure in your admiration.

10. He doesn’t treat you like a child. If he disagrees with you he can tell you that. He assumes you want to engage with him rather than assuming you are a piece of glass that will shatter at the slightest disturbance.

11. He encourages you to grow and try new activities. He isn’t afraid he will be left in the dust and he genuinely wants the best for you.

12. You never have this conversation: “Where do you want to go?” “Uh, I don’t know, where do you want to go?”

13. You don’t have to play a guessing game when he’s upset about something. He tells you. Directly. With words. And you have a conversation and figure out a solution.