Enamórate de una mujer de verdad.

No puedo pedirte que te enamores de una mujer que lee, porque ya alguien lo hizo por mí.
Sin embargo, puedo pedirte que te enamores de una mujer de verdad. Enamórate de una mujer que busque “figuritas” en las nubes. Enamórate de una mujer que sea lo suficientemente valiente para decir que tiene miedo pero que siempre ejecute a pesar de él. Enamórate de una mujer que no mate hormiguitas sólo porque puede, enamórate de la que agarra la hormiguita en la uña y la devuelve a su filita. Eso significa que es buena y capaz de apiadarse de los que no tienen las mismas herramientas que ella.
Enamórate de una mujer que no disimule ni esconda lo inteligente que es. Las que se hacen pasar por brutas son mucho más peligrosas que las que asumen con orgullo lo inteligentes que son. Además, ¿por qué quisieras estar con una mujer que se subestima para cazar un hombre? Enamórate de una mujer que sea abrazable, adorable, querible y cogible. Todas son importantes. Enamórate de una mujer que no se maquille mucho. Son honestas y seguras. Las que se maquillan mucho envejecen más rápido. Enamórate de una mujer que sea Team Mafalda y no Team Barbie.
Enamórate de una mujer que le guste comer. La vida es más divertida comiendo pizza que lechuga. Enamórate de una mujer que le guste la música. No importa que no sea la misma que te guste a ti. La música puede unirlos cuando se distancien, curarlos cuando se enfermen y salvarlos cuando se pierdan. Enamórate de una mujer que sepa cocinar, que le guste lavar platos o que tenga dinero como para comprar un lavaplatos. Trust me on this one.
Enamórate de una mujer que esté más preocupada por los ceros en sus cheques que en los tuyos. Enamórate de una mujer que te quiera porque la haces reír y no porque le compras cosas. Enamórate de una mujer que respire profundo para calmarse cuando te ve. Enamórate de una mujer que no pueda esconder nada. Enamórate de los ojos que la delaten y que te digan lo que necesitas saber. Enamórate de ella porque le brillan los ojos cuando te ve. Eso significa que está enamorada de ti.
Enamórate de una mujer que hable bastante, para que tú no tengas que hacerlo. La parte fácil es tuya: asiente y sonríe como si tuvieras idea de lo que está hablando. Enamórate de una mujer que te escuche con atención. Enamórate de una mujer que te pueda hacer sentir culpable y genuinamente arrepentido de vez en cuando. Que tenga ese poder sobre ti es el mejor antídoto contra la arrogancia y el orgullo. Enamórate de una mujer que no sepa planchar, para que no pierdan ni un solo momento juntos. Enamórate de una mujer que sepa escribir “notitas” de amor. Las “notitas” reviven las mariposas y hasta pueden mandar un bombazo de sangre al…corazón.
Enamórate de una mujer que le guste bailar. Recuerda que bailar es la expresión vertical de un deseo horizontal. Enamórate de una mujer que piense en otras cosas, que haga otras cosas y que piense en otras personas diferentes a ti. Enamórate de una mujer con hobbies, con intereses, con pasiones. Que no seas sólo tú, para que no te asfixie. Enamórate de una mujer que sepa que el amor tiene que ser libre. El amor obligatorio sólo le hace daño a los involucrados.
Enamórate de una mujer que ame y deje amar. Que sea y deje ser. Enamórate de mí o de alguien como yo, para que no me duela tanto.

Escrito por @ninarancel

“Migrar, un asunto de gente Valiente“.

Blog de psicología dirigido a hispanohablantes radicados en otros países del mundo entero. Periodicidad veintenal.

Parejas binacionales

Últimamente me han recordado un tema álgido en migración y es el de la conformación de parejas binacionales ya que es un hecho que en muchos procesos migratorios se haya dado la posibilidad de conformar una pareja bicultural y por ende, alguno de los dos involucrados ha debido dejar atrás su familia de origen, su territorio y su entorno finalmente.

Dentro de estas posibilidades han sido muchos los que no tuvieron que ir más allá de tener que radicarse en países con lengua distinta, pero que por lo menos sí pudieron continuar dentro de un espacio cultural, laboral y religioso bastante similar al de origen.

Con esto no quiero decir que esta situación no conlleve diferencias al interior de la relación, pero por lo menos en algunos aspectos de la vida no afectará profundamente el proceso de la crianza de los hijos.

Cuando se conforma una pareja, no es muy difícil respetar e intentar comprender al otro, pero cuando se comienza a interponer la crianza de un “tercero” la historia ya no es tan sencilla pues recordemos que al conformar esta nueva familia también se encontrarán otros actores involucrados como lo son los padres, los abuelos, los tíos, la escuela y los vecinos, sin entrar a profundizar en los intangibles, como la religión, las otras costumbres y las lenguas.

Bueno, no puedo hacer hincapié en solo lo difícil del proceso, también puedo mencionar que conformar una pareja binacional tiene sus dulces y especiales connotaciones positivas, al igual que sus encantos.

Con la conformación de parejas binacionales, se crean nuevas redes sociales multiculturales, se aprenden nuevos valores y costumbres y los hijos además de dominar con gran facilidad diversas lenguas, se moldean con una plasticidad social y habilidosa que ninguna escuela académica podría enseñarle a otros niños nunca.

Aún cuando en conclusión se diga que el proceso no será fácil, es justo asumir lo propio, nadie nos obligo a tomar ese camino, porque para bien o para mal somos hombres y mujeres libres de escoger nuestro destino. Entonces si perteneces a este grupo, partamos de la premisa que nadie puede hacer las cosas mejor por ti y tu familia que tu compañero (a) y tú mismo, entonces es hora de comienza a trabajar en ello.

La estrategia más grande que se puede asumir en estos casos es la de redireccionar tu vida aprovechando la oportunidad que se te está brindando, aunque claramente, se deberá estarsiempre abierto a confrontar los errores comunicacionales, a ser flexible, a escuchar con mayor interés y hasta, querámoslo o no, a aprender mejor esa otra lengua.

Existen diversas posibilidades de escenarios al conformar este tipo de parejas, ya sea porque cada uno de sus miembros habla una lengua o una religión diferente, sus diferencias culturales son bastante significativas o porque en algunas de ellas han debido convivir con la mezcla de una o varias de estas diferencias.

Independientemente del punto de vista con el cual se haya conformado la pareja, el reto es único y la ventaja es que las estrategias de unión son parecidas: Nunca dejar que se apague el sentimiento, concebir que la fidelidad matrimonial no existe sino que se crea día a día, confiar, respetarse y preocuparse el uno por el otro, intentar profesar una visión bastante parecida de la vida, los principios y valores, responsabilizarse en igual medida cada uno por los hijos, crear redes familiares y sociales en conjunto y planificar espacios de diversión y rituales culturales en pareja y en familia.


Mónica Riveros: Psicóloga especialista en el área Clínica y de autoeficacia personal, Máster en Migraciones Internacionales Contemporáneas de la Universidad Pontifica Comillas (Madrid, España). Igualmente psicóloga con énfasis en intervención psicológica en emergencias y desastres. Docente, investigadora, madre, migrante y terapeuta.

10 Obvious Signs a Guy Is Flirting with You.

Ever wonder if that nice guy is flirting with you? There are a few proven ways that can tell you if he is interested in you. While it’s difficult to read body language at times, it’s possible if you know where to start. Here are 10 ways that men unconsciously and even consciously let you know that they like you. Take a look, see what you see and maybe you will find your love right now.

1. Lovely smile.

lovely smile is actually a good sign and, when it comes to flirting, it’s one of the surest signs he is interested in you. If you notice that he is smiling at you, there’s a good chance he likes you and wants to approach you. Maybe he is shy, so why not show him your confidence and courage by approaching him first? Of course, if you like him. After all, there is nothing to be ashamed of if you approach a man first. Just smile back, initiate a conversation with him and don’t try to play hard to get. Playing hard to get is a great boost, but often it’s a big turn off for guys.

2. Shy blush.

Perhaps you know how it’s difficult to flirt with shy guys, but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid such type of man. If you notice that a guy blushes around you, this is one of the most obvious signs he is trying to flirt with you. However, not only do shy guys blush, any guy can actually blush when he sees a beautiful girl. Blushing is a bodily function that we can’t control and if he blushes around you, he certainly likes you.

3. Eye contact.

This sign is a little bit tricky, but surely worth paying attention to. Eye contact is important during communication and we need to use this form of body language as often as we can. Depending on how long a man holds an eye contact with you, you can find out whether or not he likes you. If he holds an eye contact with you for longer than an average person, it might be a sign he is interested in you. We all make an eye contact when flirting, right? It’s the same for guys. If a guy holds a short eye contact, he might also flirt with you, he is just a bit shy.

4. Mirroring.

Sometimes men mirror woman’s actions without even knowing it. Mirroring is another sign he is flirting with you. This ranges from mirroring blink rates to mirroring manner of speaking. For instance, you are laughing and he is laughing as well. The thing is, it’s natural for us to mirror something we love. Besides, a lot of singles dating websites advise guys to use mirroring technique when flirting with girls, maybe your crush does this too.

5. Hands on hips.

If he stands with his hands on the hips or places the thumbs in the belt loops, he might be interested in you. This way, he is trying to show you he is a confident man and simply true macho. I personally don’t like when guys use this way while flirting with girls, but still it’s one of the signs he is flirting with you.

6. A flirting touch.

If your crush touches you, it’s definitely a sign he likes you. But, when a guy touches you accidentally, this is absolutely another sign to watch for. It means the guy is trying to get your attention and find any excuse to continue conversation with you. Do you like that guy? If yes, flirt back! Most girls ignore this important sign, but you shouldn’t do it. After all, he might be your hubby!

7. Head Tilts.

The way a man tilts his head can also signify that he likes you. If he tilts the head towards you, this means he’s listening attentively to each word you say. This also means he’s really attuned to what you are talking about and he’s really interested in conversation with you. I love that amazing feeling when a man is listening to me. I always appreciate it, even if I’m not interested in that man.

8. Dilated pupils.

Sometimes our eyes give us away when we don’t want them to. When we are attracted to someone or something our pupils dilate and they become larger. When we don’t like someone or something, our pupils contract. If you notice that the eyes of the guy keep dilating, it’s one of the most obvious signs he adores you and is highly interested in you.

9. Raised eyebrows.

You crush may hide his eyes when he is around you because he likes you. He can keep his eyebrows a little bit raised as well. If his eyes are widened and his eyebrows remain raised while you’re talking, this is definite sign he is flirting with you. Watch for it and you’ll surely see it!

10. Fidgeting.

Do you fidget when you are around the guy you like? I’m pretty sure you do and it’s okay. You are just nervous and it’s actually a good nervous. It’s all about expectation since you don’t know whether or not he is interested in you. If you see him fidgeting, this is because he’s interested in you and he is a bit nervous to start conversation with you.

Now that you’re aware of the signs he is flirting with you, what are you waiting for? Start flirting back and maybe you will have a nice date tonight. Do you know any other signs of flirting that I should have added to this list?

7 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Be More Productive, Backed By Science.


When I was 17 years old, I used to work and study for about 20 hours a day. I went to school, did my homework during breaks and managed a not-for-profit organization at night. At that time, working hard landed me countless national campaigns, opportunities to work with A-list organizations and a successful career. As I got older, I started thinking differently. I realized that working harder is not always the right path to success. Sometimes, working less can actually produce better results.
Consider a small business owner, who works non-stop. However, working hard won’t help him compete with his multi-million competitors. Time is a limited commodity. An entrepreneur can work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week (the most amount of time anyone can work, really). His or her competitor can always spend more money, build a bigger team and spend a lot more time on the same project. Then why have small startups accomplished things that larger corporations couldn’t? Facebook bought Instagram, a 13-employee company for a billion dollars. Snapchat, a young startup with 30 employees is turning down offers from tech giants Facebook and Google. Part of their successes were based on luck — the rest is based on efficiency.
The key to success is not hard working but smart working.
There’s a notable distinction between being busy and being productive. Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being productive. Being productive is less about time management and more on managing your energy. It is the business of life. We need to learn how to spend the least amount of energy to get the most benefits. I am so lucky to work with an amazing team here at Filemobile. Everyone always challenges me and helps me sort my priorities to become more productive. I learned to reduce my work week from 80 hours to 40 hours, and get a lot more work done in the process. In other words, less is more.
Here are 7 I things I stopped doing to become more productive.

1. Stop working overtime and increase your productivity

Have you ever wondered where the 40-hour work week came from? In 1926, Henry Ford, American industrialist and founder of Ford Motor Company, conducted experiments with interesting results: when you decrease your daily working hours from 10 to 8, and shorten the work week from 6 days to 5, your productivity increases.
The more you work, the less effective and productive you are going to become over both short and long term. “Scheduled Overtime Effect on Construction Projects”, a report issued by The Business Roundtable in 1980 states.
“Where a work schedule of 60 or more hours per week is continued longer than about two months, the cumulative effect of decreased productivity will cause a delay in the completion date beyond that which could have been realized with the same crew size on a 40-hour week.” Source: Calculating Loss of Productivity Due to Overtime Using Published Charts — Fact or Fiction
In an article for AlterNet, editor Sara Robinson referenced research conducted by the US military that revealed that “losing one hour of sleep per night for a week will cause a level of cognitive degradation equivalent to a .10 blood alcohol level.” You can get fired for coming to work drunk, but it is deemed acceptable to pull an all-nighter.
Irrespective of how well you were able to get on with your day after that most recent night without sleep, it is unlikely that you felt especially upbeat and joyous about the world. Your more-negative-than-usual perspective will have resulted from a generalized low mood, which is a normal consequence of being overtired. More important than just the mood, this mind-set is often accompanied by decreases in willingness to think and act proactively, control impulses, feel positive about yourself, empathize with others, and generally use emotional intelligence. Source: The Secret World of Sleep: The Surprising Science of the Mind at Rest
It’s important for us not to overwork ourselves and get enough sleep to maintain a high level of productivity. Next time you’re wondering why you may not be working productively, the reason may be simple as you being one of 70% of people who doesn’t get enough sleep.

Did you know?

-Leonardo da Vinci took multiple naps a day and slept less at night.
-The French Emperor Napoleon was not shy about taking naps. He indulged daily.
-Though Thomas Edison was embarrassed about his napping habit, he also practiced his ritual daily.
-Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, used to boost her energy by napping before speaking engagements.
-Gene Autry, “the Singing Cowboy,” routinely took naps in his dressing room between performances.
-President John F. Kennedy ate his lunch in bed and then settled in for a nap—every day!
-Oil industrialist and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller napped every afternoon in his office.
-Winston Churchill’s afternoon nap was a non-negotiable. He believed it helped him get twice as much done each day.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson took a nap every afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in order to break his day up into “two shifts.”
-Though criticized for it, President Ronald Reagan famously took naps as well.
Source: 5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Nap Every Day — Michael Hyatt
On a personal note, since I started getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day, I’ve noticed a change: I became a lot more productive and got a lot more work done than when I worked 16 hours a day. Who knew sleeping was such a great tool for marketers?

2. Don’t say “yes” too often.

According to the Pareto Principle, 20% of the effort produces 80% of the results; however, 20% of the results consumes 80% of the effort. Instead of working harder, we should focus primarily on those efforts that produce 80% of the results and forgo the rest. We will have more time to focus on the most important tasks. We should stop saying “yes” to tasks that bring low or almost no result.
“The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.” — Warren Buffet.
This begs a question: what should you say “yes” and what should you say “no” to? If you can’t figure if something is going to be worth your time, consider running a simple split test. Track everything you do and optimize if it is possible.
Most of us say yes more often than we should because it is so much easier than saying no. Nobody wants to be the bad guy.
In a 2012 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, researchers split 120 students in 2 groups. One group was trained to use “I can’t”, while the other was trained to use “I don’t”. The results were interesting:
The students who told themselves “I can’t eat X” chose to eat the chocolate candy bar 61% of the time. Meanwhile, the students who told themselves “I don’t eat X” chose to eat the chocolate candy bars only 36% of the time. This simple change in terminology significantly improved the odds that each person would make a more healthy food choice.
Next time you need to avoid saying yes, say “I don’t”.
Another great trick to avoid activities that don’t add enough value into your life is the 20-second rule: give yourself 20 seconds longer for activities you shouldn’t be doing.
Lower the activation energy for habits you want to adopt and raise it for habits you want to avoid. The more we can lower or even eliminate the activation energy for our desired actions, the more we enhance our ability to jump-start positive change.
Source: The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work.

3. Stop doing everything yourself and start letting people help you

At some point in my career, I was managing a very large community and couldn’t handle it. I tried to do everything myself. I burnt out, but the community ended up taking over and managing itself. Surprisingly, members did a better job than I have ever done. I learned the power of community and why brands need user-generated content.
Consumers understand what they want and how they want it better than any marketer. Did you know that, according to Octoly, user-generated videos are viewed 10 times more than brand-generated videos on YouTube? When seeking information about a particular brand,over half (51%) of Americans trust user-generated content more than the content on the brand website (16%) or media coverage on the brand (14%). It’s important for marketers to open up and seek help from the brand’s community. 

Being a great content marketer is not about creating the best content, but building a great community that will generate high-quality content for you.
It’s important for us to realize we can seek help when needed. We cannot do everything ourselves. It is better for you to let someone who can do a better job taking over some of your tasks. It will give you more time to focus on your most important tasks. Instead of wasting your time trying to figure something out yourself, let the experts help you.
A lot of time, even if your friends can’t help you, having them around can help you become more productive.
Just having friends nearby can push you toward productivity. “There’s a concept in ADHD treatment called the ‘body double,’ ” says David Nowell, Ph.D., a clinical neuropsychologist from Worcester, Massachusetts. “Distractable people get more done when there is someone else there, even if he isn’t coaching or assisting them.” If you’re facing a task that is dull or difficult, such as cleaning out your closets or pulling together your receipts for tax time, get a friend to be your body double. Source: Friendfluence: The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We Are

4. Stop being a perfectionist.

“We found that perfectionism trips up professors on the way to research productivity. The more perfectionistic the professor, the less productive they are,” Dr. Simon Sherry, a Dalhousie University Psychology Professor who conducted a study on perfectionism and productivity, tells University Affairs magazine. Dr. Sherry found a robust correlation between increased perfectionism and decreased productivity.
Here are some problems associated with being a perfectionist:
  • -They spend more time than required on a task.
  • -They procrastinate and wait for the perfect moment. In business, if it is the perfect moment, you are too late.
  • -They miss the big picture while being too focused on small things.
Marketers often wait for the perfect moment. In doing so, they end up missing it.
The perfect moment is NOW.

5. Stop doing repetitive tasks and start automating it.

According to a research study conducted by Tethys Solutions, A team of 5 people who spent 3%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 70% of their time on repetitive tasks respectively reduced this time to 3%, 10%, 15%, 15% and 10% after 2 months of enhancing their productivity.
A week ago, I spent 15 minutes writing a basic Python program. The idea was to generate content from the data, which I pulled from Twitter API using a Ruby bot, and use Hootsuite to bulk schedule them. While it used to take me an entire day to accomplish, it now takes me less than 5 minutes. Nowadays, whenever I do something repetitively (more than 5 times), I would ask myself if I can find a program to do it for me.
You don’t have to be a coder to able to automate your repetitive tasks. It’s nice to have the skills or the resources, but it’s not a requirement. If you cannot build it, buy it.
People often forget that time is money. People usually do things manually because it’s easy and requires almost no research. It is manageable to moderate 30 images on Instagram for your user-generated campaign. But if you have to manage 30 000 photos and videos from 5 different platforms, you need a good digital asset management software. At Filemobile, we help people to solve that problem generate even more user-generated content. Just like managing rich media, you can easily purchase a software to solve almost all of your problem on the internet.
If you still can’t find a solution, you can hire an expert to help you. Keep in mind that you need to spend money to make money and that time is your most valuable commodity.
Tips for marketers: check out GitHub or Google app script library. Often times, you’ll find free ready-to-use open source code that requires very little programming knowledge.

6. Stop guessing and start backing up your decisions with data.

If you can optimize websites for search engines, you can optimize your lives to grow and reach your maximum potential.
There are so many research studies out there that can provide answers in a range of areas. For instance, did you know that most people are more easily distracted from noon to 4PM? This random statistic comes from recent research led by Robert Matchock, an associate professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State University. Even if you can’t find the data you need, it doesn’t take a lot of time to run a split test.
For instance, last week we did a few tests to figure out the best way to optimize images for Twitter in-stream preview.
Keep asking yourself how you’re going to measure and optimize everything you do.

7. Stop working, and have do-nothing time.

Most people don’t realize that we’re essentially locking ourselves in a box when we are too focused on something. It’s important to walk away from our work once in a while and have some alone time. Alone time is good for the brain and spirit, according to The power of lonely , an article in The Boston Globe.
One ongoing Harvard study indicates that people form more lasting and accurate memories if they believe they’re experiencing something alone. Another indicates that a certain amount of solitude can make a person more capable of empathy towards others. And while no one would dispute that too much isolation early in life can be unhealthy, a certain amount of solitude has been shown to help teenagers improve their moods and earn good grades in school.
Source: The power of lonely
It‘s important for us to take time for reflection. We often find the solutions when we’re not searching for them.
We don’t become more productive overnight. Like everything in life, it requires efforts. Change doesn’t happen if you just sit there and wait for it. It’s important for all of us to learn more about our body and find ways to optimize our energy for a more successful and happy life.

This post was originally published on the Filemobile Blog.

Top 10 Beautiful Places You’ve Never Heard Of.

1. Lord Howe Island, Australia
The Lord Howe Island is an island belonging to Australia in the Tasman Sea. With some smaller islands, it forms the same Lord Howe Island group.

2. Opatija, Croatia
Opatija is a town and municipality in Istria, at the bottom of the Kvarner Bay, in the county of Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Croatia. In the 2001 census, the municipality had 12,719 inhabitants, 86.85% Croats and the city had only 7,850 inhabitants. The city is located 110 km from Trieste in Italy, 200 km from Zagreb and 250 km from Venice, Italy.

3. Wroclaw, Poland
Wroclaw is the fourth largest city in Poland by its population (633,000 inhabitants), the fifth of its area (293 km2), and one of the earliest founded (around the ninth – tenth century). Now the capital of the province of Lower Silesia, is served by the Nicolas Copernicus Wrocław, the fifth largest in the country in terms of passenger airport.

4. Budva, Montenegro
Budva is a town in Montenegro with about 19,000 inhabitants. The place was originally on an island that is now connected by a sandbar to the mainland. It is one of the oldest settlements on the Adriatic, according to ancient mythology about 2,500 years ago by Cadmus, the son of the Phoenician king Agenor Greek-founded. The city was almost completely destroyed in 1979 by an earthquake, but faithfully reconstructed. Budva is primarily a seaside resort today.

5. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Funchal is the capital of Madeira, and the name of the former Portuguese district in Madeira. Funchal has 112,015 inhabitants.

6. Heimaey, Iceland
Heimaey Iceland is an island with an area of ​​13.4 km2, the largest of the Westman Islands and the country. It is located seven kilometers off the southern coast of Iceland. It is the only island in the Westman Islands to be inhabited with 4,045 inhabitants in 2008.

7. Sozopol, Bulgaria
Sozopol is a small town on the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast. It lies on the south side of the Bay of Burgas on several small rocky peninsula in Burgas Province and is the center of the homonymous municipality Sozopol.

8. Frutillar, Chile
Frutillar is a city and commune of Chile located in the province of Llanquihue Lake District. It extends over 831 km ² and has a density of 18.68 inhabitants / km ² and the town has 15,525 inhabitants according to the 2002 national census.

9. Vang Vieng, Laos
Vang Vieng is a small town of the province of Vientiane in Laos. The city is surrounded by karst formation and rainforest. The population is around 25,000.

10. Sigulda, Latvia
Sigulda is a city in Latvia 53 km north-east of Riga on the east bank of the Gauja. Sigulda called because of the beautiful landscape like the Latvian Switzerland.
